Long day yesterday. I started out with a ten mile bike ride on the Malecón. Then, met up with Pixie for coffee and brekkie at our new haunt, Rico's Café. We watched pelicans swooping and diving for fish for an hour. Later, I then took the "hard way", walking over the Observatorio hill to the Embarcadero. The Head Waiter at El Mirador restaurant was kind enough to let me take a couple of snaps from the dining room(above). I was ultimately heading to Isla de la Piedra by water taxi (five minutes)on a recon. I went to check out restaurant and beach accessibility. I found a nice, easy-to-access restaurant. But, the beach and restaurants are full of vendors selling knick knacks and costume jewelry. Also, there are loud "musicians" everywhere playing for tips. At times, three performing at once. I quickly ate a bowl of so-so fish soup and left. Coming back, I took a picture of this boat with the unfortunate name " T...