
Showing posts from February, 2023

¡Carnaval en Mazatlán!

¡Carnaval en Mazatlán! Six days of celebration when the city swells by 600,000. It truly is massive. Lots of revelers from Mexico and all over the world. I'm hearing many foreign accents. I was detained last night because I was carrying a pocket knife into the cordoned area. No big deal. A $56 cash "fine" and confiscation of the weapon (I was handcuffed to the police truck while we negotiated my release). I ended up watching the huge fireworks show from the rooftop at the condo. Dina will be back tomorrow and, hopefully, keep me out of trouble. Big parade forming up for tonight. I rode my e-bike along the route until it was too jammed up with pedestrians. Peeled off to side streets to get back home.

Back home

Pixie and I returned to USA this week to enjoy some family time! I went to the cabin and had two great days with Matt and Johnny. These putas are a blast! We hiked a bit along the "Old Salmon River Trail". Tristan, Shizuka, and Enzo came up for a taco dinner. It was nice having all of us together. But, we missed Sadie and her clan Lots of big trees and special times with a couple of drunken reprobates. I'm heading back to Mazatlán on Monday. Pixie is staying for another week doing Ouma time.

I'm walkin' here!

Mazatlán is a great walking city. Dina is over her bout with covid, but is still pretty fatigued. She was napping while I again walked through Old Mazatlán. Combining